Friday, April 1, 2022

What's New in April!


Happy April! 

To take advantage of our April Online Class Sale please use the code APRILFLOWERS at checkout to receive the sale price. 
Rates range from $12.99 - $33.00

To see our list of online classes by acupuncturist, herbalist & author
jeanie mossa MS. L.Ac.

New online class:

Create An Enchanting Garden: How to Invite Pollinators: Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Angels and Nature Spirits into your garden

A fun class for all those who want to create their own unique garden indoors or outdoors. Creative ideas, natural solutions and tips for those who want to think outside the box. Whether you are a beginner gardener or advanced this class is geared towards inspiring your imagination to give birth to your own unique Garden of Eden!

BARKOPAEDIA: The Canine Book of Knowledge 
Back in Stock on Amazon!

Barkopaedia contains everything your dog wants you to know. It's an encyclopedia of health and healing modalities for dog owners including treatments for common pain, ailments, and injuries. The book additionally offers humor and an exploration of the canine spiritual and esoteric.

Barkopaedia includes an overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine as applied to common canine issues including veterinary acupuncture theory, basic acupressure instruction, herbal medicine and Chinese liniments to help dog owners better understand healthcare options for their dogs. Also included are other holistic therapies such as veterinary laser therapy, aqua-therapy, Reiki, sound therapy, and chiropractic treatments for dogs.

Barkopaedia surveys herbal and homeopathic remedies, nutrition and recipes. There are home solutions presented for common problems. There are chapters on the use of crystals, Chakras, aromatherapy and Bach flower remedies for healing and emotional support. Midway through the book are quick reference pages that summarize the information given to that point.

The book finishes with a spirituality section including astrology, canine related deities from around the world, Tarot cards featuring dogs, and pages on demon dogs and dog exorcisms.

Included is a chapter entitled Over the Rainbow on dealing with canine end-of-life issues and the effect they have on families.

Throughout the book are humorous tales and stories from the perspective of the author's canine acupuncture practice and the house calls she made. You will even find a chapter on the famous dog Toto too. This book contains everything your dog wants you to know.

SNOW DAY❄️Online Class Sale❄️

  Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, natural reme dies & esoteric topics for pets and people. ❄️❄️Snow Day Sale!❄️❄️ $13.13 - $22.22...