"Acupuncture was used on animals as long as 3,500 years ago, when, legend has it, an elephant was treated for a stomach disorder similar to bloating. Since then, acupuncture and other forms of TCM have been used to treat a variety of problems, including pain, arthritis, heart, lung, kidney, digestive, hormonal, allergic, reproductive and mental illness." - Cheryl Schwartz, DVM in "Four Paws, Five Directions.
Acupuncture is a time-tested clinically effective holistic solution to the stresses and health problems of your pets in our modern times. The effects of acupuncture and herbal therapy are gentle yet very effective for a wide range of health problems, and it is a cost-effective method to regain and maintain the health of your pet.
Jeanie Mossa MS., L.Ac. licensed acupuncturist & herbalist is now accepting new dog & cat patients at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA. 649 Lowell St F, Peabody, MA 01960
To schedule a session please contact Four Paws Acupuncture directly. http://www.fourpawsacupuncture.com/contact.html
Jeanie also makes house-calls on the North Shore of MA.
To learn more about veterinary acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, holistic medicine for your dog or cat please visit the Four Paws Acupuncture website.
Visit the Four Paws Acupuncture Facebook page for pet food recalls, holistic tips, recipes and more.
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