Monday, August 26, 2019

Veterinary Acupuncture for Dogs!

Our rescue Quan Yin loves getting weekly acupuncture sessions. We think she is 10 or 11 years old and over the summer her mobility has been a tad challenged. The weeks of brutal heat did not help.

We have also started cooking for her - and she LOVES her new diet. Ground turkey with white basmati rice, carrots, celery, parsley and green beans with a few Chinese herbs. Sometimes we add pumpkin. 

Not the best photo! She allows me to needle every acupuncture point that she needs and keeps still during most of her session. What a good girl!

Four Paws Acupuncture makes house-calls on the North Shore of MA.
Jeanie Mossa MS., L.Ac. is also accepting new dog and cat patients at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA.

To learn more about veterinary acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and holistic therapies for dogs or cats please visit the Four Paws Acupuncture website.

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