Acupuncture is not just for humans! 3,000 years ago, the Chinese used acupuncture and acupressure to keep their farm animals healthy.
This is an ancient drawing of acupuncture points on a goat. Although I would love to treat a few goats, my forte is working with dogs and sometimes cats.
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can help alleviate pain, mobility issues and other common K9 ailments. Combined with a healthy diet, herbs or homeopathic remedies and sometimes a lifestyle change your pets can live a healthy happy life.
Four Paws Acupuncture in Salem MA and Peabody MA Services:
Acupuncture for Dogs & Cats
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Herbal & Homeopathic Medicine
Laser Therapy
To learn more about veterinary acupuncture & holistic medicine on the North Shore of MA please visit the Four Paws Acupuncture website.
Jeanie Mossa MS. L.Ac.makes house-calls in Salem MA, Beverly MA and to existing patients in Marblehead MA.
Jeanie is also accepting new dog and cat patients at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA.
To schedule a house-call or session at our office please contact Four Paws Acupuncture directly:
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