Sunday, April 30, 2023

Happy Dog Acupuncture!

A few of our Happy Acupuncture Dog Patients at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA.

For more information on services or to schedule a pet acupuncture session:

Your pet does not need to be a patient at our veterinary office. Many pet insurance companies cover acupuncture. 

Jeanie Mossa MS. L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist & author of BARKOPAEDIA
She has been treating people & animals with traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 25 years

Finn has pain, neurological issues and is 12 years old. He gets a combination of acupuncture, tuning forks, cold laser, acupressure and reiki to relieve his symptoms. 

Annubis get cold laser, acupuncture, acupressure with a Chinese herbal liniment and lots of love during her acupuncture sessions at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA. Snoopervisor Juanita makes sure she behaves!

Peanut suffers from IVDD, a painful disc ailment. She receives acupuncture, acupressure, laser, moxa and extra kisses from her owner!

Sammy, a sweet 8 year old lab has hip and back pain. He comes in regularly for acupuncture, laser, acupressure with a Chinese herbal liniment and all you can eat treats!

Marty McFly, a rescue and a tripod comes in for regular acupuncture, laser, love and acupressure with a Chinese herbal liniment to ease his back, hip and knee pain. 

SNOW DAY❄️Online Class Sale❄️

  Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, natural reme dies & esoteric topics for pets and people. ❄️❄️Snow Day Sale!❄️❄️ $13.13 - $22.22...