Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Dog Acupuncture for Back Pain and Injuries

Snoopervisor Juanita making sure Anubis behaves during her acupuncture session at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA. 

Anubis injured her back while playing. She is a rescue Pitbull from the south and a sweetie pie to work with. She has received 6 treatments that include cold laser, acupuncture, acupressure with a Chinese herbal liniment and is now able to jump on the bed again! 

 Jeanie Mossa MS. L.Ac. licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and author of BARKOPAEDIA is now accepting new dog, cat and unicorn patients at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA. Jeanie has been treating people & animals with holistic medicine for more than 25 years.

Learn more: https://www.fourpawsacupuncture.com/contact.html

Your pet does NOT have to be a patient at the office. Many pet insurance companies cover pet acupuncture. 

SNOW DAY❄️Online Class Sale❄️

  Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, natural reme dies & esoteric topics for pets and people. ❄️❄️Snow Day Sale!❄️❄️ $13.13 - $22.22...