Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2023 Four Paws Acupuncture Services Update!


Pawsome News from Four Paws Acupuncture!

Mid-January 2023, I will be accepting new patients at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody MA.  

Your pet does not have to be a patient there. You may continue to take your pet to the veterinarian of your choice.

 For more information on services and how to schedule a session please watch this short YouTube. https://youtu.be/dgxpD3Q4OPQ


You will need to complete the 2 forms on the Info & fees page: https://www.fourpawsacupuncture.com/infofees.html before a session can be scheduled.

To schedule a session please contact me directly via email 4pawsacupuncture@gmail.com.

Please do not call Our Family Veterinary Services as I schedule the appointments and they are very busy taking care of sick animals!


House-calls on the North Shore of MA are not available during the Winter. I may offer them again starting in the Spring.Updates will be posted on our blog & Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/4PawsAcupuncture

For more information on acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and holistic therapies for dogs & cats please visit the Four Paws Acupuncture site: https://www.fourpawsacupuncture.com/ 

Wishing all a very peaceful & pawsome 2023!

Thank you 

jeanie mossa MS. L.Ac.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

2023 Fee Information & Guidelines

four paws acupuncture

2023 Fees & Guidelines & News

Please watch the YouTube above for information about what is included in each session and details on how to schedule an appointment. 

 Our Family Veterinary Services Fees:

First visit $185    About 1 - 1.5 Hours

  • Free 15 minute consultation by phone followed by a longer phone consultation before your session.
  • Check up
  • History and intake
  • Diagnosis
  • Acupuncture, Laser Therapy, Reiki and acupressure (Other therapies such as Tuning Forks or Sound Therapy may be included depending on your pet's needs.)
  • Nutritional and herbal recommendations (herbs not included) You will receive a list of recommended products that you may find online or at your local vitamin shop. We do not sell any of these products.
  • Brief acupressure lesson with information where and how to massage your dog.

Follow-up treatments: $125  About 45 minutes to about  1 Hour

  • Acupuncture, Laser, Acupressure  & all therapies needed for your pet's needs. 

I accept checks, cash, Zelle, Venmo & credit cards. A 4% fee is added on to credit card totals. Please make checks payable to Jeanie Mossa Kraft.

To schedule a session at Our Family Veterinary Services please email Jeanie Mossa at 4pawsacupuncture@gmail.com 

Please do not contact Our Family Veterinary Services to schedule your session.

Cancellation Policy: Any appointment missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged the full fee amount. This fee is waived for emergency situations, during illness and inclement weather.

Guidelines for Office Visits

To keep your pet relaxed through the session we have a few house-rules. Working with animals takes a bit more focus and energy. 

As I incorporate many modalities of holistic therapies into this session, I also need to stay calm and focused. 

Thank you for helping me make each session for your pet the best that it can possibly be. 

All paperwork must be filled out BEFORE you arrive to save time!

Please bring your pet’s favorite blanket or toy. Please take your dog out to pee before the session.
  • The owner must be in the room with me and the dog/cat during the entire session. You are part of your dog/cat’s family. This keeps the dog/cat relaxed. I also ask the owner to participate to help keep the dog/cat still during the session. Keeping the owner involved makes the animal happy and usually better behaved. During the session, I will also be showing you how to massage, do basic acupressure and apply liniments.

    Please note this is also for liability reasons.

    Please no cell phone, texting during the session unless it is an emergency. NO video-taping the session without my permission.

    Our rooms at Our Family Veterinary Services are small. We ask that you do not bring children to these sessions.

    No Smoking in the room.

    Please note I am allergic to peanuts. I ask that you do not feed your dog any peanut treats or have them in the room on the before or during the session.

    Please refrain from bringing food or eating during the session. Usually most dogs will focus on the food which makes it difficult to keep them calm.

    Payment is due at the time of service. I accept cash, credit cards and checks, Venmo and Zelle. A 4% service fee is added to credit card transactions.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Online Class Sale for the Holidays!

 All of our online classes are on sale for the holidays!

Starting at $12.99 - $19.99  Sale ends 12/15/22 

 Online classes make easy instant gifts that may be sent via email.

 No time for online classes? All of the material covered in our K9 Online Classes is included in the book:

BARKOPAEDIA: The Canine Book of Knowledge 

Hardcover & Paperback

Quickest Delivery Option for the Holidays is Amazon

Online Classes for Pet Guardians

click to watch the promo

Herbs and Natural Remedies for Dogs: Holistic solutions for pain, stress and common K9 ailments


                                                         Click to watch the promo

$12. 99 Healing Flower Essences and Crystals for Animals: Emotional First Aid for Pets and Rescues with Anxiety, PTSD, OCD and Emotional Issues


                                                     Click to watch the promo

$12.99 Holistic Dog - Treating K9 Pain, Stress & Ailments Naturally:

Learn how holistic therapies and alternative medicine can help ease dog pain, stress, anxiety and common ailments such as allergies, intestinal upsets, arthritis, hip and elbow dysplasia, K9 cancer and more. 



                                                  Click to watch the promo

$19.99 Basic Canine Acupressure for Dog Owners: Acupressure techniques to ease your pet's pain and stress. May be used for cats too!

An introductory online course on how to ease your dog’s pain, stress and common ailments with acupressure. This class is for dog owners and those who work with dogs who want to learn acupressure techniques and theories. (These techniques may be used for humans, cats & horses as well. The point locations are the same!)



Holistic Solutions for Humans

$12.99 Relieving Pain and Symptoms of Arthritis Naturally: Simple Holistic Remedies, Herbs, Homeopathic Medicine, Nutrition & Alternative Medicine for Arthritis


The Misery Journal: Finding Patterns in Your Aches & Pains: A 90-day logbook to discover what makes your discomfort better or worse. Available on Amazon 

                                                               Click to watch the promo

$12.99 Treating Allergies and Asthma with Alternative Medicine: Breathe Easy with Natural Remedies, Herbs, Teas & Therapies


                                                          Click to watch the promo

$12.99 Happy! Healthy! Woman! Treating Female Disorders With Alternative Medicine: Natural Remedies, Herbs & Therapies for Common OB/GYN Issues: Fibroids, Endometriosis, PMS, Menopause & More



Magic & Whimsy!

click to watch the promo

$19.99 Fairies & Nature Spirits & The Elemental Realm: Become a Certified Ambassador of the Faerie Realm Online Class on Udemy

Six magical hours filled with information all about various types of Fairies (Faeries), Gnomes, Elves, Nature Spirits, Devas, Undines, Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons and those of the Elemental Realms of Fire, Earth, Water and Air.



click to watch the promo

$12.99 Create An Enchanting Garden: How to Invite Pollinators: Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Angels and Nature Spirits into your garden



                                      click to watch the promo

$12.99 The Magic of Animals:  Discover the hidden messages and signs sent by your Totems and Nature Spirit Guides



                                          click to watch the promo

Art Therapy for all ages!

$14.99 Create a Healing Spirit Art Doll: Learn to create your own Healing Spirit Doll, Kitchen Witch, paper clay jewelry, ornaments and art with eco-friendly recycled fabrics, objects and treasures from nature.



Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful holiday season from all of us at
 Four Paws Acupuncture!

More pawsome gifts, books & healing pet amulets:

Nature Realm Portal

SNOW DAY❄️Online Class Sale❄️

  Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, natural reme dies & esoteric topics for pets and people. ❄️❄️Snow Day Sale!❄️❄️ $13.13 - $22.22...