Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Over the Rainbow

On Friday August 28th, Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, Quan Yin Kali Wu passed away while the song Over the Rainbow from the movie the Wizard of Oz played in the background.

Her time had come that morning and although it was a tough decision to make, we did not want our dear girl to suffer or experience anymore discomfort. 

We are grateful to Dr Leslie Swieko & Dr Jason Story at Our Family Veterinary Services in Peabody for their compassion and love during her final moments.

Thanks to all who have sent kind words and love our way. I have had to take a break from Facebook for now. Too much pain and anger right now being posted. Time to heal. xoxoox

Quan Yin was named after the Chinese Bodhisattva of Compassion. Her middle name Kali was added after she ate an expensive Frida Kahlo  library coffee table book. (Kali is the Hindu Goddess of Destruction!) And her last name Wu was as a tribute to Norm's martial arts master and teacher, Dr Wu. Most of the time we called her Wu and she seemed happy about that.

Quan Yin's Spirit lives on. We had hoped that she could make one final trip to Winter Island, but dogs are not allowed back on the beach until October 1st. This pic was taken the last time she was on Waikiki Beach, Winter Island, on April 30th. (Dogs are not allowed on the beach starting May 1st.)

I am pretty sure she is chasing sea gulls on that beach in spirit right now... or hanging out with John Prine who is feeding her some sssss-sss-sizzling Italian sausages. Oh Baby... we gotta go
