Thursday, February 6, 2025

SNOW DAY❄️Online Class Sale❄️


Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, natural remedies & esoteric topics for pets and people.

❄️❄️Snow Day Sale!❄️❄️

$13.13 - $22.22 with magic code SNOWDAY25

Scroll down for FREE online class for all!

expires 3/9/25

See all 14 Online Classes 


May be sent as a gift instantly via email!

$22.22 Fairies & Nature Spirits & The Elemental Realm: Become a Certified Ambassador of the Faerie Realm

Six magical hours filled with information all about various types of Fairies (Faeries), Gnomes, Elves, Nature Spirits, Devas, Undines, Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons and those of the Elemental Realms of Fire, Earth, Water and Air.

$13.13 Forest Magic: The Healing Power of Trees & Woodland Spirits


$13.13 Sea Magic, Mother Ocean's Seashells, Aquatic Life &  Deities


$13.13 Angelology: Archangels, Guardian Angels & The Angelic Realm: A Guide to calling on Angels for help, healing, protection and love


$13.13 Create an Enchanting Garden: How to Invite Pollinators: Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Angels and Nature Spirits into your garden



$22.22 Basic Canine Acupressure for Dog Owners: Acupressure techniques to ease your pet's pain and stress. May be used for cats too!

An introductory online course on how to ease your dog’s pain, stress and common ailments with acupressure. This class is for dog owners and those who work with dogs who want to learn acupressure techniques and theories. (These techniques may be used for humans, cats & horses as well. The point locations are the same!)

$13.13 Herbs and Natural Remedies for Dogs: Holistic solutions for pain, stress and common K9 ailments

$13.13 Holistic Dog - Treating K9 Pain, Stress & Ailments Naturally:  Learn how holistic therapies and alternative medicine can help ease dog pain, stress, anxiety and common ailments such as allergies, intestinal upsets, arthritis, hip and elbow dysplasia, K9 cancer and more

$13.13 Healing Flower Essences and Crystals for Animals: Emotional First Aid for Pets and Rescues with Anxiety, PTSD, OCD and Emotional Issues


Holistic Solutions for People

$13.13 Relieving Pain and Symptoms of Arthritis Naturally: Simple Holistic Remedies, Herbs, Homeopathic Medicine, Nutrition & Alternative Medicine for Arthritis


$13.13 Happy! Healthy! Woman! Treating Female Disorders With Alternative Medicine: Natural Remedies, Herbs & Therapies for Common OB/GYN Issues: Fibroids, Endometriosis, PMS, Menopause & More

$13.13 Art Therapy for all ages! Create a Healing Spirit Art Doll: Learn to create your own Healing Spirit Doll,  Kitchen Witch, paper clay jewelry, ornaments and art with eco-friendly recycled fabrics, objects and treasures from nature.

FREE Traditional Chinese Medicine to Enhance Your Body’s Defenses  Learn how to BOOST your immune system with herbs, homeopathic remedies, holistic therapies and more

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Feast of the Boy! Happy Birthday Merlin Bird Mossa - Inspiration for Four Paws Acupuncture

 Feast of the Boy! Happy  Birthday Merlin Bird Mossa  Inspiration for Four Paws Acupuncture

Merlin Bird Mossa Feb 1, 1983 - September 23, 1997

My doggie soulmate, animal spirit guide and the inspiration of Four Paws Acupuncture. As I was attending Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, Merlin was suffering from hip dysplasia, DM and old age.

Thanks to acupuncture, herbal medicine and home cooked meals, Merlin lived to be almost 15! It was Merlin who inspired me to continue to learn all I could about veterinary holistic medicine, acupuncture and to share this with other dogs who were suffering. 

His SPIRIT lives on. He sends me messages, via hawks🪶at the most appropriate times. Today on his birthday, known as the Feast of the Boy, please give your pets an extra treat and love.

Nina Ballerina (Merlin's mother) & Merlin Bird Mossa on his birthday way long ago!

SNOW DAY❄️Online Class Sale❄️

  Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, natural reme dies & esoteric topics for pets and people. ❄️❄️Snow Day Sale!❄️❄️ $13.13 - $22.22...