Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Barking Book Club!

Yes... Dogs Can Read!

Meet the members of the Barking Book Club reading 

Orlando de Umatilla aka Orly of Joshua Tree, California

Cuddly Taurus, avid reader, loyal service dog and advocate of alternative medicine

Miss Lucy of Marblehead MA

Famous supermodel, Harvard & MIT graduate, choir dog and member of the I Love Lucy Fan Club

Cole of Dallas Texas

A rescue from Hurricane Harvey who loves walks around White Rock Lake and riding in the convertible while wearing a Stetson.

Lupini Martino of Sparks Maryland

Speaks fluent Italian, author’s assistant to his pet human and connoisseur of homemade meatballs.

 Albin of Brookline MA

Acupuncture clinic supervisor, spokes-dog for Emily’s Furry Friends Skin Soother & Sage Your Space Sprays

Miss Abbey Von Doodle  & Stella Wu of Coral Springs Florida

Designers and owners of Chez Monkay, a cat-founded, dog-run shop. Both girls are journalists and commentators of the ARF Barkcasting Network.


Nubi juan Kenobi of Salem MA

Laughing Wu Media Snoopervisor, Proof-reader of BARKOPAEDIA and King of Pooseville

Available on Amazon & other pawsome bookstores

More info at: http://www.laughingwu.com/barkopaedia.html

#booksfordogowners #booksveterinaryacupuncture #veterinaryacupuncture #holisticdog #BARKOPAEDIA #jeaniemossa #animalacupuncture #canine #acupressuredogs #onlineclasses #onlineveterinary #herbdogs

Thursday, August 12, 2021

How to help your pets while we are closed!


We receive several requests each day for acupuncture and TCM sessions for pets. At this time Four Paws Acupuncture is still closed due to the pandemic. 

I have created a series of online classes to help pet guardians learn about holistic therapies, remedies and acupressure they can do at home to help relieve their pets' pain, stress and common ailments. All this information is what you would receive during an actual acupuncture session with me. 

Acupuncture is not a quick fix! It takes several sessions combined with herbs, supplements and acupressure done by the owner at home in between appointments. 

August Online Classes Sale

All of our Udemy Online Classes are on sale through August with the magic code AUGUST21

Please note the sale rate of each class differs $12.99 up to $33.00 and expires 8/31/21

Online Classes for Pet Guardians

All the above information is also in our book-

Online Classes For Humans

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Basic Canine Acupressure Online Class for Dog Owners

 Basic K9 Acupressure for Dog Owners ONLINE Class taught by veterinary acupuncturist Jeanie Mossa MS. L.Ac.

Learn basic massage and acupressure techniques to help ease your dog's pain, stress and common ailments.

On Sale $33 with code DOGDAYS21

BARKOPAEDIA: The Canine Book of Knowledge

jeanie mossa MS. L.Ac.
Norman Kraft MS. L.Ac.

Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, homeopathic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupressure, veterinary acupuncture, crystals, essential oils, astrology & more!

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and other pawsome bookstores. More info at:

SNOW DAY❄️Online Class Sale❄️

  Learn about holistic therapies, herbs, natural reme dies & esoteric topics for pets and people. ❄️❄️Snow Day Sale!❄️❄️ $13.13 - $22.22...